Quilting to me:

"In this crazy fast and furious world we live in I believe it is our responsibility to take time for ourselves, even if it is once a week or month. Doing what you love is one way slow the craziness down. I like to think I'm doing what I love."

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Last chance.  I have received a few pictures of the Mystery Quilt,  and will be posting them next week and drawing the
winner of the Riley Blake Fat Quarter Pack.  So if you haven't
emailed me your picture do so my Saturday.  Look
forward to seeing the quilt tops you have come up with using
the squares I posted.   Happy quilting......

Monday, October 7, 2013

Well, we are off to Primitive Gatherings in WI today.  I've been trying to blog with pictures but can't seem to get them to download.  I will try again when we get back.  We've been to some great quilt shops and can't wait to share them with you.

Until next time.  Carol

Friday, September 13, 2013

Mystery Quilt

Mystery Quilt
Hope everyone's having fun with
the designing of your Mystery Quilt.
You can send the picture of your
quilt top to me at
October 12 is the deadline for getting
your picture to me.  I will be posting my
quilt on the 12th of Oct. and then
will be drawing for the Fat Quarter Pack.
Have Fun and don't forget
to post your quilt.

Friday, August 16, 2013


Appox. 40"x 40"
One of my new Quilt patterns.
Now available and Kits are also available.

August "Mystery Quilt" Block

August Quilt Block

This is the last block for the "Mystery Quilt".
You will need 3 fabrics for this block.
2      6 3/4" squares
4      3" squares
2      6 3/4" squares
2       6 3/4" squares
Using the same method as the previous blocks
for making half square triangles:
put 2 of the Light 6 3/4" squares with 2 of the Dark 6 3/4" squares and 2 of the Light 6 3/4" squares with 2 of the Med. 6 3/4" squares.
This will give you 16 Light and Dark squares
16 Light and Medium squares.
Lay out your squares according to the diagram.
The 4 dark squares go in the corners.
Now you have your 9 squares.
I can't wait to see all of your quilt tops once you
get them together.
Remember to post your quilt onto my blog or send it
to me by email so I can post it.
You will be entered into a drawing for a
Riley Blake Fat Quarter Pack
by doing so.
Thanks so much for doing my first "Mystery Quilt".
Happy Quilting

Friday, July 12, 2013

2013 Mystery Quilt

July Block
As before with the last 2 blocks you will
need 3 fabrics.
Also the 4 corner blocks should be solid
squares not half squares as shown
in the diagram.
Fabric cuts for July Block:
Dark fabric:
2       6 3/4" squares
2      3 3/8" squares 
4       3" squares
Medium fabric:
2      6 3/4" squares
2     3 3/8" squares
Light fabric:
4     6 3/4" squares
Using the method I gave you in May
for making half square triangles,
put 2 of the light6 3/4" squares with
2 of the dark 6 3/4" squares
& 2 of the light 6 3/4" squares with
2 of the medium 6 3/4" squares.
This will give you 16 light a dark squares and
16 light and medium squares.
You will need 4 --- 3 3/8" squares of
both medium and dark squares.
Use the 3 3/8" squares in medium and
dark squares to make half square triangles.
Layout your 36 squares according to the
layout below for the block.
 Remember the 4 --- 3" squares go in the
corners instead of the light and dark squares
as you did in your last 2 blocks.
Happy Quilting

Friday, June 14, 2013

Blankets for Hosparus

What a great day it's been,
I'd thought I would share a
few of the quilts we made today
Blankets for Hosparus
Here at
Pinwheel Quilting
on the 2nd Friday of the month
we are making lap size quilts
Blankets for Hosparus.
Hope you get a chance to
join us for this great
giving opportunity.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Mystery Quilt -- June Block

Mystery Quilt
June Block
With this block you will the following:
Light fabric
Medium fabric
Dark fabric
Fabric cuts for June block:
  2    6 3/4" squares
2   3 3/8" squares
4      3" squares
2    6 3/4" squares
2    3 3/8" squares
4     6 3/4" squares
Using the method I gave you last month for
making half squares triangles,
put 2 of the light 6 3/4" sqs. with
2 of the dark 6 3/4" sqs.
& 2 of the light 6 3/4" sqs. with
2 of the medium 6 3/4" sqs.
This will give you
16 light & dark squares
& 16 light & medium squares.

You will need
4  medium & dark squares.
Use the 3 3/8" medium & dark squares
to make these half triangle squares.
Lay out your 36 squares according
to the diagram below for your block.
The 4 dark squares go in the corners
instead of the light & dark squares as in your
last block for May.
See you next month with another block.

Monday, May 20, 2013

New and Exciting

We've been busy here at Pinwheel Quilting,
with lots of new fabric we're cutting fat quarters,
fat quarter bundles and something new
4" Hexes.  here are a few of our new items:
from Windham:
Jo Morton's  "Madison Manor"
from Riley Blake:
Plus alot more......

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Mystery Quilt - May Block

Mystery Quilt
May Block
The next 4 Blocks will use three shades.
Dark - shown here in black
Medium - shown here in gray
Light - shown here in beige
Fabric cuts for May block:
Dark:    4   -   3" squares
                   2  -   6 3/4 " squares
                   1   -  3 3/8 " square 
Medium:    2   -   6 3/4 " squares
                1   -   3 3/8" square
Light:    4   -   6 3/4 " squares
The following method for making half-square
triangles is something I saw on Pinterest.
You can see the following method at
Karen Walker gives you the formula for making
any size half square triangle on this blog.
With one dark and one light 6 3/4 " square
place right sides together.
Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner
in both directions as in picture, then stitch 1/4"
seam on either side of both lines.
Now you are going to make 4 cuts.
Do not separate square until all 4 cuts are made.
First, using the tiny square in the center
of the square , cut 3 3/8 " from bottom edge.
( make sure you use my measurements and
not the ones in the pictures)
This should line up with the corner points
of the tiny square in the center of your square.
Now do the same cut 3 3/8" cut
from the side edge.
Now cut on the diagonal lines.
Your square should look like the following,
and you will have 8 half square triangles.
Now, you need to repeat this with the other
dark and light 6 3/4 " squares.
And also with the two medium and two light
6 3/4 " squares.
You should have a total of 16 dark and light
and 16 medium and light half square
triangle squares.
Next take the 3 3/8 " of the dark and medium
fabrics and make 2 half square triangle squares.
With right sides together draw a diagonal line
from one corner to another corner and
stitch 1/4 " on either side of line then
cut on the drawn line.
Square up all your squares to 3" x 3".
Now that you have all your squares made
press your seams.  Lay out your squares using
the following diagram.

 When you get the squares laid out then sew
your squares together.
This is your May block.
See you next month.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Primitive Quilts & Projects Magazine

Now available......
Primitive Quilts & Projects
2013 Summer Issue
The cover project and one of sixteen
projects in this issue.
Though the project is done with fabric,
I used wool for the pineapple appliques.
Kits are available for $30.
Another project is
"Al the Owl"
Kits available for $19.99.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


" Of thee we sing"
Old Glory Threads
by Needl' Love
Books and Kits now
Book - $15.00
Kit - $12.99

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

2013 Mystery Quilt

2013 Mystery Quilt
For this part of your Mystery Quilt
you will need the following
2 --  15 1/2 " squares
out of a light fabric
this can be the same light
as before or a different one.
(I choose a different light)
With these 2 squares you are going
to make 4 half square triangles
using the  blocks from last month.
Cut the 2 light squares in half diagonally.
Then cut the 2 February Blocks in
half diagonally, cutting the dark
corner squares in half, as shown below.
Sew one of the light triangles to one of
your February block triangles on the
diagonal line.
Repeat making a total of 4 half
square triangle blocks.
Should look like the following.
Square blocks to 15" x 15".
These are your blocks for this month.
There will only be 1 block a month for
the next 5 months.
Hope your having fun creating
your blocks.
See you in April with the next block.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Now carrying Kati Cupcake Pattern

Made with Riley Blake fabrics.

also available
"Whitney's Romper" Pattern
by Create Kids Couture
"Gracee" Pattern
by Butterfly Kisses Pattern Co.
Happy Valentine's Day
Hope you all have a great Valentine's Day.
Pinwheel Quilting
(the quilt block is from a post in
January 2012.  You can get the pattern
by going to that post.)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Super Bowl Party

Thanks to everyone who came
to the Super Bowl Party.
We had a great time seeing everyone
who came, congratulations
to everyone that went home with
a prize.  The one who picked
the winner of the game is
Dawne Johnson.
She wins a $20.00 gift certificate,
for picking the Ravens by 3.
Congratulations Dawne.
Hope everyone had a good time.

Friday, February 1, 2013

2013 Mystery Quilt

Mystery Quilt
Lets get started on this mystery.  Everyone
loves a mystery so here's one that delivers a
quilt at the end.  Each month I will
be posting a mystery block.  The mystery is
that you control what fabric to use.
At the end of this Mystery I will post my
Mystery Quilt and look forward to seeing all
of yours.  You will go into a drawing
for a Riley Blake Fat Quarter Bundle
if you post your finished Mystery Quilt at
the end of this Mystery.
Here is the first Mystery, good luck.
This is our first block.
You will be making 2 of these
blocks, and making them identical.
2 fabrics are needed, 1 light and 1 dark
The following will make 1 block, you
need to make 2 blocks.
Cut from light fabric:
6  -  3 7/8" x 3 7/8" squares
2  -  3 1/2" x 3 1/2" squares
Cut from dark fabrics:
6  -  3 7/8" x 3 7/8" squares
2  -  3 1/2" x 3 1/2" squares
1  -  9 1/2" square
Using the 3 7/8" squares take 1 light and
1 dark with right sides together draw a line
diagonally and stitch on either side of the line.
Then cut on the line to make 2 half square
triangles.  Repeat with the rest of  3 7/8" squares.
You need a total of 12.
Follow the diagram to lay out you pieces,
then sew them together to make your block.
You will needed 2 of these blocks.
Your block should measure
15 1/2" x 15 1/2"
Have fun and I'll have another block
the first of March.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Super Bowl 2013 Party
at Pinwheel Quilting
February 3rd
1pm - 4pm
All books 30% off
Prizes &Refreshments
Hope to see you there.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Easy-Peasy Crazy Quilt

Class Quilts
from Saturday 1/26/01
Easy-Peasy Crazy Quilt
This one was done by Caroline in the Thursday
Night class.

Done by Caroline in the Saturday class.

Done by Angelica in the Saturday class.
Thanks to everyone who took part in these classes
for this quilt. And to Hannah Myers for teaching
the class.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Now carrying Wools

Just received a new shipment of Wools.
Coming soon classes in Wools.
Also coming in Febuary Wool Felt by the yard
and more Hand Dyed Wools.

Primive Quilts and Projects Mag. Spring 2013

"Hearts and Vines"
1 of 17 designs in the new
Primitive Quilts and Projects
Magazine Spring 2013
Just in at the shop.  Kits are available.

Easy Peasy Crazy Quilt Class

Last night was the 1st of 2 classes for the
"Easy Peasy Crazy Quilt"
taught by Hannah Myers
The quilts below are a few of the samples
from last nights class.
This black and white quilt is done with the
Riley Blake's collection

This mult colored quilt is done with 30's fabrics.
What a great time we had and look forward to the class
Saturday moring.  Will share more pictures later.

Where's the Patches 2

Just in time for Valentine's today
Riley Blake's
Shown here with pattern
"Where's the Patches 2"
This pattern gives you the instructions
for the Disappearing 9 Patch
using 6", 7" or 8" blocks
Kits are available for $49.99 and
includes the pattern.
This is a quick and easy pattern and one
that could be done by Valentine's Day.