Quilting to me:

"In this crazy fast and furious world we live in I believe it is our responsibility to take time for ourselves, even if it is once a week or month. Doing what you love is one way slow the craziness down. I like to think I'm doing what I love."

Sunday, March 17, 2013


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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

2013 Mystery Quilt

2013 Mystery Quilt
For this part of your Mystery Quilt
you will need the following
2 --  15 1/2 " squares
out of a light fabric
this can be the same light
as before or a different one.
(I choose a different light)
With these 2 squares you are going
to make 4 half square triangles
using the  blocks from last month.
Cut the 2 light squares in half diagonally.
Then cut the 2 February Blocks in
half diagonally, cutting the dark
corner squares in half, as shown below.
Sew one of the light triangles to one of
your February block triangles on the
diagonal line.
Repeat making a total of 4 half
square triangle blocks.
Should look like the following.
Square blocks to 15" x 15".
These are your blocks for this month.
There will only be 1 block a month for
the next 5 months.
Hope your having fun creating
your blocks.
See you in April with the next block.