Quilting to me:

"In this crazy fast and furious world we live in I believe it is our responsibility to take time for ourselves, even if it is once a week or month. Doing what you love is one way slow the craziness down. I like to think I'm doing what I love."

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Underground Railroad

Normally when you trim a block like this you would trim 1/4" from the points. But in this case you should just square up your block to 12 1/2" .  If you have the book you can look on page 138 at the block in that quilt, you can see there is about a 1/2" all around the edge of the block of the background fabric.

I trimmed my block 1/4" from the points of the squares.  So I'm going to sew a 1 1/4" border around my block then square it up to 12 1/2".  I think it will give the same effect. 

Hope this helps you with your block and that one of these options will help get your block done.  Let me know if I can help you with your if your having problems.

Thank you Betty for helping me see the problem I was having with my block. 


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Underground Railroad

When I was squaring up my block it was to small compared to the other ones.  I went back over the directions and did it again just like the book said and it is still to small.  I have talked to two different people who have made this quilt from this book and they had the same problem.  If you make the block and it turns out ok , I would like to know.  I'm going to try to figure the right measurements, and if I get it figured out I will let you know.  One of the ladies I talked to about the block said she put a small border around the block and then squared it up.  That is a option for you.  I'll get back to you soon......


Friday, March 20, 2015

Underground Railroad Block 7


Block 7

      The Crossroads Quilt was the fourth quilt with symbolic meaning revealed to slaves planning to escape.

       Once the fugitives made it safely through the Appalachian Mountains, they were to travel to the "crossroads",Or a city where they would find protection and refuge.  The main crossroads or terminal was in Cleveland, Ohio.Four or five overland trails connected with Cleveland, and numerous water routes, crossing Lake Erie into Canada and freedom.

The first four blocks make up a directive code for men and women headed for freedom.

"The Monkey Wrench turns the wagon wheel toward Canada on a bear's paw trail to the crossroads."

This is the block in the book.

This is my block.

Fabric need:

2 1/2" strip the WOF in the dark print.
5 1/2" strip the WOF in the light print.

Dark print -- sub cut into (16) 2 1/2" squares.
Light print -- sub cut into (3) 5 1/2" squares
                                           (9) 2 1/2" squares
                                           (2) 3 1/2" squares

Cut the three (5 1/2") squares on both diagonals for side triangles.

Count out 4 dark and 3 light squares, lay out starting with the dark square and sew them together.

Lay out the rest of the dark and light squares in stacks of two and place the triangles from before on each end of the rows.

Sew the rows together. Should have two rows from each stack.  Press seams toward dark squares.  Then lay out your rows as below.

Sew your rows together.  Press seams away from middle row.

Cut the two (3 1/2") squares in half diagonally.

Sew these on the corners on your block to make it square.  Press seams.

Square up block to 12 1/2".

 Now you have your 7 th block "The Crossroads"

Have fun, see you next month.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Monthly Bitty Banner

April's Bitty Banner from Lily Anna Stitches is now available. Kits are $16.00.

Underground Railroad

With the snow and missing 2 weeks here at the shop has put me alittle behind.  Trying to get ready for Quilters' Day Out this Saturday, totally let the Underground Railroad block slip my mind.  Sorry but looks like it will probably be next Wednesday before I can post the block. I'm ready for Spring and getting back to normal around here.  Thanks for your patience. Til next week. Carol

Only 8 more days till Spring.