Quilting to me:

"In this crazy fast and furious world we live in I believe it is our responsibility to take time for ourselves, even if it is once a week or month. Doing what you love is one way slow the craziness down. I like to think I'm doing what I love."

Friday, October 9, 2015

Underground Railroad Block 12

Underground Railroad Block 12

Birds in the Air

During the Underground Railroad in the 1840's to 1850's, a clever quilter could indicate a direction for fugitives to travel through the choice of fabric and placement of blocks. 

The way the blocks were placed in the quilt, using light and dark colors would create an arrow pointing north. Showing the slaves the way to go.

The block shown in the book.

My block

You will need:

2 lights for backgrounds
1 dark and 1 medium for the nests
2 colors for the birds

Out of the 2 lights, cut the following:

1- 6" square
3- 2 1/2" X 3 1/4"

The meduim and dark for the nests you will need:

1 -  7" X 8"

For the 2 color of birds cut:

1 - 6" square

Take the 6" square for the birds and the background.

With right sides together, using 1 light and 1 bird fabric, draw you sewing lines 1/4" on either side of both diagonal lines. As shown above. Repeat with the other background and bird fabrics. Stitch on lines.

After stitching, cut both diagonal lines in the center of the stitched lines and then cut a horizontal line 3" from the edge of square. Then cut a vertical line also 3" from the edge of square. As shown above.

 Press seams toward the dark fabric.  You will have 8 half square triangle squares from both. ( I lost one of my squares from the cutting table to the ironing board. Good thing I only need 6 of each color. )

Lay out your squares and your rectangles to form your birds.        

  Sew your rows together starting with the top row and so on.  Press seams.                                  

Then with your rows together sew the 3 rows together. Press your seams away from the center. This should measure 6 1/2" X 7 1/4".

Lay the piece as above, with wrong side up.  Mark the top and bottom corners.

Draw a line 1/2" away from the top corner to the corner mark at the bottom.

Next draw a line 1/2" from the bottom corner to the top corner mark, as above.

Lay your birds, one on the dark nest and one on the meduim nest, as above. Sew on the lines drawn.

After stitching, cut down the middle of the stitched lines.  Press seams toward the nest.

Square should measure 6 1/2" square. Repeat with the other nest.

Lay your nest of birds out the way you want them.  Sew them together and press seams.

You now have your 12th block.

Here are my 12 blocks.  3 more blocks to go and the label block.  I will be posting 2 blocks next month and the final block and label in December.

Have fun.